There is a Career for everybody

(Girija Nair, Founder,

D B Xento Test

There is a Career for everybody

Aptitude Test

Business Fitment Test

Personality Test

D B Xento Test


Career Counselling in Pune

Career Counselling, today is no longer about what course to do, but is all about “True Career Guidance”. As mere course selection does not spell “Career”. A true career planning done with careful study of the student’s ability through simple psychometric tests and later mapping it with the course which guarantees a market opportunity is what Career Guidance is all about. Career planning without psychometric tests is akin to hearing a sermon on different careers without knowing what is right for oneself. Career Guidance, therefore has its essential elements like a psychometric test, a seasoned professional of the sector to ensure that the student or professional receives the latest and relevant information on the career that is derived through a data backed process. The latest in the bandwagon is online career counselling. Apt for these times as the process is technology driven hence least of errors.

What is Career Counselling?

Career counselling or if correctly termed, Career Guidance is a process to either know about more career options or to know about the career options itself or to find out what are the career options in the face of low academic scores. Career guidance or counseling is also done, when study habits are a problem and results in low academic scores.

Importance of Career Counselling

Career counselling is very important on account of multiple reasons. Most important being, choosing the right course for the right career if done with the traditional method, like based on Science and Math scores, one ends up getting into traditional options, which may or may not be the skill and passion of the student. Thus affecting the success probability of the career..

What is Online Career Counselling?

When career guidance is done without actually meeting the career expert or the career counsellor, it is called online career counselling. Here, the psychometric or aptitude test is done online, either through a laptop or a desktop. has the online aptitude test that can be done on a phone with internet connection. Meeting the career counsellor or career advisor is done over popular video softwares like skype, or facebook or whatsapp video.

What is Career Guidance?

A career decision when taken under the guidance of a career counsellor who uses tools to measure the ability and passion of the student and is then mapped to the right courses, is called career guidance. A fast growing trend in today’s highly competitive environment. Career Confusion in case of the students, arise from too many choices or are not well informed of the career choice made or are constrained for a choice on account of poor academic performance.





The Kindle Way: 3 Main Steps for Career Selection & Planning

Discovering your perfect career or stream cannot get easier than our unique, scientific approach to career guidance.

1. Career assessment test

An aptitude test is an instrument used to determine and measure an
individual’s ability to acquire, through future training, some specific set of skills.

Not applicable not relevant complete bull!

2. Personality Test Report

While all personality tests are different, learning that you might be high on a specific trait can help you gain greater insight into your own behavioral patterns. There are two types of personality tests, self-report and projective. Self-report inventories are a kind of objective test used to assess personality and projective test is a personality test designed to let a person respond to ambiguous stimuli, presumably revealing hidden emotions and internal conflicts projected by the person into the test.

3. Career Counselling

Career counseling is advice and information about careers that helps individuals, especially young people, decide on a career and also teaches them how to pursue their chosen career. If you feel confused about your future, you should seek out professional careers guidance

Psychometric tests
Career Counsellors
Geographic Reach
counselling done

What to do when Board results are round the corner ?

What after 10th ? What after 12th ?

  • The marks are lower than expected
  • The marks scored in the subject combos viz PCM, PCMB, PCB are lower than expected
  • In tune with these low marks, the expectation on the entrances also go down
  • The aggregate is also not as expected
  • Worries about alternate careers begin
  • Insecure about admission to desired course and college
  • Seeking admission to lesser known colleges
  • Seeking help of admission counselors
  • Got the expected marks
  • Pretty sure about admission into desired course and college


Of these ten scenarios, last two happen to just about 10% of the student population. The rest of the 90% are left to grapple with the first eight scenarios. The common questions therefore are , What after 12th, Are there any alternate career opportunities after 12th, What should I do after 10th viz career after 10th and so on.


It is here that professional career counseling should be done. Professional, because a correct route of career guidance and career counseling is through the tried and tested route of psychometric or aptitude tests and a counselor or a career advisor who has a vast exposure to careers through his own experience

Landing in a wrong course ultimately results in landing in a wrong career. This is when career switch needs crop up, generally in a situation where one thinks of career after 40. Changing career after 40 is a challenge, but nevertheless, is a good thing to do, as then you are walking on a long journey of at least another 20 years with joy and satisfaction.


The realization of having landed in a wrong career normally comes after 40 as then the struggle to get a job, get established in that career and so on takes up the majority of your career age”. And the realization is either a good one or not a good one. Apart from realization, it is also crucial to act on it. So that the rest of the “career journey” is spent with joy and satisfaction.


Career change after 40, even if it is tough, given the higher resistance to change at that age, but if there a will , there is definitely a way. Seek that way, walk on it and you will never regret. Just ensure you are have the backing of a career mentor and you will get there, eventually.




Which is the Best Career Guidance Centre in Pune?

Kindlecareer Pvt Ltd is one of the best career guidance centre in Pune.

Who is the Best Career Counsellor in Pune?

Girija Nair, Ceo & Director, of Kindlecareer is the best career counsellor as she is an advisor to many businesses in India and abroad and a mentor to startups. She has shaped careers of students who have never had a hope of professional careers. She is known for her extensive knowledge of almost every industry and is very encouraging to students.

Who is the best career counsellor in india?

Girija Nair, Ceo & Director, of Kindlecareer is the best counsellor in India, on account of her diverse and dynamic background, extensive educational qualification and the accolades she has earned in diverse fields. Armed with three decades of experience with the top brands of India, and abroad, her wide exposure helps her to impart and share her live experiences with students of today, who are more than happy to know about new fields. Her counselling methodology is quite pragmatic and doable. Students connect with her on account of her being in sync with the latest in IT.

Which is the best career advisor in Pune?

Girija Nair, Ceo & Director of Kindlecareer is the best career advisor in Pune, on account of her diverse and extensive background. She is quite in sync with the latest in the career industry and is also quite practical in terms of career recommendations. Her passion to push students to success makes her a much sought after career advisor and a mentor.

Where can I get free career counselling?

There is no such help line as free career counselling. But there are lots of seminars conducted by Schools, Colleges and coaching classes on career counseling. These are free.

How can I set my career?

You should begin by consulting a career counsellor. They help you set realistic and right career goals. Set yourself small and achievable milestones and go by the plan.

Career Counselling fees in Pune?

Career counselling fee in pune varies from Rs.2,500 to Rs.4,000/- depending upon the profile of career advisor.

Career Counselling for Working Professionals in Pune

Kindlecareer Pvt Ltd in Pune stands out as the most popular career counseling company in Pune because of the list of counselors they have. These counselors are professionals who have spent at least 15 plus years in a particular field. Therefore that makes them subject master experts in the field that they have spent decades. Rich in experience and educational background, these mentors are the right people to remove or upgrade careers of working professionals in Pune.







Compare all leading career counselling platforms in India, to see how Kindle topers
the charts across all major elements of career guidance.


This is Barun from KindleCareer.How can I help you? :)